Suffering from nasal allergies, eczema?!


Category : Allergy Education

Tag : allergic rhinitis,eczema

Nasal allergies, eczema attacks, no feeling of goodness, even work and study have to keep rubbing the nose, snort, squeezing all over the body, tracheal discomfort, which will really affect the mood of study and work. Although the use of spray or oral medication can reduce the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa and thus soothe, if the medication does not soothe or you want to reduce the use of medication in the long run, RiLergen is for you!®

Nasal allergy is due to the allergen continues to sensitize the nasal membrane, if long-term exposure to allergens, such as dust mites, pets, bacteria at home will stimulate the reaction of the nasal mucosa, when the nasal mucosa is very sensitive, breathe the particles in the air, it is easy to stimulate Allergic Rhinitis.

Can immunotherapy improve allergic rhinitis? As long as you pass a free assessment and make an appointment for the latest generation of allergy test "Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Allergy Test", and then the doctor can accurately and quickly grasp the allergy status through allergy testing and the latest AI simulation technology, tailor-made an exclusive allergy plan for you, adjust the appropriate dose, as long as you spend 5 minutes a day with sublingual desensitization solution under the tongue, take it once a day, the doctor will also ensure that it is completely suitable for you, compare the progress and effect, so that you do not need to be troubled every day!

Take the first step with your RiLergen ®

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From the moment you start RiLergen ® you will be getting closer and closer to feeling confident. 5 minutes a day, the first step to building a confident life: Start your RiLergen ®
